Gahanna Creekside Events
Creekside has several events through the year that close Mill St. In order to make your visit to Greystone less stressful, we’ve compiled additional parking locations around the area for days Mill St. is closed. On-street parking on the surrounding streets is FREE, but spaces are limited.
FREE public parking is available at High St. Lot & Veteran’s Memorial Park. You can cross over or under the bridge on 62, when parking at Veteran’s Memorial Park. If you cross under, you’ll follow the path through Creekside Park to the back entrance of the studio. Friendship Park (150 Oklahoma), Shull Park (236 Granville Street) in Olde Gahanna and Clark Hall (380 Granville St.) are all free to park, but are about 1/2 mile walk to the studio.
The Creekside Parking Garage is open during most of the events, but a fee is charged. Entrance is located near the intersection of Mill and North Streets; accessible ONLY by traveling south on Mill Street. Event parking rate varies for each event and is collected at entrance to garage. Cash or Credit Cards are accepted at garage entrance.
Events that close Mill St.
Blues & Jazz Fest - http://www.creeksidebluesandjazz.com/
Vettes, Rod and Classics Car Show - https://www.facebook.com/VettesRodsandClassics/
Gahanna Flea Market - https://www.gahannahistory.com/fleamarket
Creepside Festival - https://www.gahanna.gov/creepside/